Institution Clubs

Academic grades are imperative for job applications and career success, many employers are also looking for well-rounded candidates with demonstrated participation in extra-curricular activities. EWIT provide students with both academic and non-academic clubs, to promote personal and professional development. 

“Participation in the work of various clubs on campus provides students an opportunity to acquire leadership, planning, and social skills that are important for successful living.”

Clubs Benefits

EWIT not only provides career opportunities to students but also improves them with personal and social skills, enhancing the overall collegiate experience. Clubs activities are “extremely important in helping students to develop lifelong good working habits which hone their communication skills and foster creative thinking. Students can learn valuable character traits such as pride and productivity and also work as part of a team towards a common goal.

In addition to helping foster practical skills such as time management, leadership, and responsibility, extra-curricular activities allow students to “test the waters” and explore new areas of interest. Additionally, successfully balancing the time commitments involved in participating in clubs with those necessary to maintain good grades helps prepare students for balancing the demands of a career, family and other life obligations.

EWIT has the following clubs

  • Photography/VT Club
  • AI & IOT Club
  • Music & Health Club
  • Quiz & Coding masters Club
  • Tech Sparkers Club
  • Literature Club
  • Turing Club
  • Cultural Club