HOD Message

Dr.Vijaya Kumar C N
Prof & Head, EEE Department
The Department of Electrical & Electronics was established in 2011-12 with an intake of 60 students. The department is headed by Dr.Vijaya Kumar C N who has 21 years of teaching experience.
Greetings from the EEE department,
It gives me an immense joy to lead Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department of this esteemed and prestigious institution.
To promote academic growth, we offer state of art programmes for the students and faculty members. The department aims in developing human potential to its fullest so that intellectuals capable of being an asset to the country can emerge. The Department comprises of Staff members who have achieved excellence in teaching, research and innovations. The department has specialized faculties in all important areas of Electrical and Electronics Engineering such as Power Systems, Power Electronics & Drives. Also, the department works in the direction of nurturing the faculties and exposing them to world class infrastructure.
With the ever growing demand of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in all sectors, the EEE Department is making best efforts to give the society highly knowledgeable, trained and capable engineers who have hands on experience and would be ready to face challenges of the real world. Our Department consists of various laboratories like Basic Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics and Drives and Machines equipped with the new technological set ups giving the scope to all students having a hands on experience individually, which will increase their confidence to face the practical problems in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
The department conducts various programs under the department such as Workshops, Technical Training, Guest Lectures and Seminars by Experts from Industry and Academic background for constant knowledge up-gradation of staff and students. This activity helps to know the latest technologies, in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
Industrial visits are regularly organized to improve the practical knowledge of the students and to have a interaction with the industry people.
We continue to play a leading role in our discipline which leads us towards creating innovative and effective professional graduate community which would vivacious and provide continuous learning.