Funds Sl.No.Name of the Funding AgencyTitleAmount 1KSCSTImplementation of Modern Health Care Monitoring System using Ultra Sanic Robot for COVID-19 Patients. (2021-22)7000.00 2AICTEDesign & Development of Concurrent MAC Unit Using Deep Learning Neural Networks (2021-22)1672144.00 3AICTEModernization of advanced digital Communication and Embedded Systems Laboratory for Undergraduate and Post graduate Course and Research (2020-21) 1077000.00 4AICTEDESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF IOT APPLICATIONS (PYTHON, PROCESSOR, IOT, ML) (2020-21)317667.00 5KSCSTDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A VOICE CONTROLLED MULTIFACETED ROBOT (2020-21)6000.00 6KSCSTAutomatic Digital Pharmarcy (2019-20)5000.00 7KSCSTEnergy Delay Minimization for High Performance by utilizing 16nm 6T SRAM Cell (2017-18)6500.00 8KSCSTReal Time monitoring of Waste water Quality in IoT Environment (2017-18)6000.00